Thursday, August 27, 2020

Oregon Coast Discoveries

Well, I began getting out of the house and exploring Prius Camping with my Prius. My first trip was around August 1st. I spent the better part of July preparing by researching and buying products to make living out of my car comfy. I also moved out of my art studio and downsized my possessions to live even more minimally.
My first week in August was definitely a learning experience and was primarily about how to sleep comfortably in a car, what was important and what was a nuisance,  etc. The 2nd week I brought my 30something daughter with me, who decided she doesn't enjoy camping so we made it only a week. The rest of August was thoroughly enjoying the coast and the portability of camping this way and being pretty confident in my ability to social distance and stay safe during Covid, all while enjoying my state's beautiful coast.